OHIP Diagnostic Codes

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787Abdominal – Pain, Masses
560Abdominal – Adhesions
895Abortion – Advice
634Abortion – Complete, Incomplete
632Abortion – Missed
635Abortion – Therapeutic
640Abortion – Threatened
641Abruptio Placenta
566Abscess – Anal or Rectal Regions
616Abscess – Bartholin’s Gland
349Abscess – Brain
611Abscess – Breast
525Abscess – Dental
614Abscess – Fallopian Tube, Ovary or Tubo-ovarian
682Abscess – Pilonidal Tissue, Other
685Abscess – Skin and Subcutaneous
590Abscess – Urinary System
695Acne – Rosacea
706Acne – Vulgaris
39Actinomycotic Infection
255Addison’s Disease
289Adenitis Cervical
683Adentis – see Lymphadenitis Acute
474Adenoids, Chronic Infection
259Adenoma Parathyroid
309Adjustment Reaction
255Adrenogenital Syndrome
977Adverse Effects – Of Drugs and Medications, including allergy, overdose, reactions
989Adverse Effects – Or Other Chemicals (e.g., lead pesticides and venomous bites)
994Adverse Effects – Of Surgical And Medical Care (e.g., wound infection, wound disruption, other iatrogenic disease)
998Adverse Effects – Of Physical Factors (e.g., heat, cold, frostbite, pressure)
900Aged Parent Problem
42A.I.D.S. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
43A.I.D.S. (A.R.C.) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Related Complex
291Alcoholic Psychosis
493Allergy – Bronchitis
977Allergy – Drugs and Medication
477Allergy – Rhinitis
525Alveolitis, Oral Cavity
518Alveolitis, Lung
270Amino-acid Acid Metabolism Disorder
894Amputation, Traumatic – Lower Limb(s)
884Amputation, Traumatic – Upper Limb(s)
565Amputation, Traumatic – Fissure, Fistula
569Amputation, Traumatic – Stricture
284Anemia – Aplastic
283Anemia – Hemolytic, acquired excluding hemolytic disease of newborn
282Anemia – Hemoytic, Hereditary
280Anemia – Iron Deficiency
281Anemia – Pernicious
282Anemia – Sickle Cell
285Anemia – Other Anemias
441Aneurysm, Aortic (non-syphilitic)
447Aneurysm, Others
529Angina, Ludwig’s
413Angina Pectoris
136Angina, Vincent’s
720Ankylosing Spondylitis
718Ankylosis, Joint
917Annual Health Examination: Adolescent/Adult
307Anorexia Nervosa
300Anxiety Neurosis
540Appendicitis, AcuteWith or without abscess or peritonitis
427Arrythmias, Cardiac, Other
298Arteriosclerosis – Cerebral with psychoses
440Arteriosclerosis – Generalized
437Arteriosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease, Chronic
412Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease (A.S.H.D.) Without Symptoms
446Arteritis, Temporal
715Arthritis – Osteo
711Arthritis – Pygenic
714Arthritis – Rheumatoid
728Arthrogryposis (Contracture of Joint)
110Athlete’s Foot
427Atrial Fibrillation, Flutter
918Automated Visual – Field AVF test
727Baker’s Cyst
173Basal Cell Carcinoma
899Battered Child
707Bed Sore
989Bee Sting
313Behavior Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
351Bell’s Palsy
600Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (B.P.H.)
767Birth Trauma
919Bites, Non-venomous
989Bites, Venomous
627Bleeding – Post-menopausal
38Blood Poisoning
744Branchial Cyst
466Bronchitis – Acute
493Bronchitis – Allergic
491Bronchitis – Chronic
919Bronchitis – Bruises
443Buerger’s Disease
869Bullet Wound – If open wound use code for appropriate area see Open Wounds – If internal injury use 869
949Burns – Thermal or Chemical
576Calculus (Stone) – Bile Duct
592Calculus (Stone) – Kidney
368Calculus (Stone) – Lacrimal Duct
573Calculus (Stone) – Liver
592Calculus (Stone) – Prostate
527Calculus (Stone) – Salivary Glands
592Calculus (Stone) – Ureter
528Canker Sore
427Cardiac Arrest
739Carpal Tunnel Syndrone
718Cartilage Tear
744Cataract – Congenita
366Cataract – Excluding Diabetic or Congenital
233Carcinoma In Situ – Breast
230Carcinoma In Situ – Digestive Organs
233Carcinoma In Situ – Genito-urinary System
232Carcinoma In Situ – Skin
231Carcinoma In Situ – Respiratory System
234Carcinoma In Situ – Other
579Celiac Disease
653Cephalo-pelvic Disproportion
331Cerebral Degenerations, Other
432Cerebral Haemorrhage
435Cerebral Ischaemia, Transient
343Cerebral Palsy
436Cerbro-vascular Accident, Acute (C.V.A.)
436Cerrebral Thrombosis
388Cerumen in Ear
622Cervical Dysplasia
622Cervical Erosion
752Cervical Hyperplasia
646Cervicitis – During Pregnancy
52Chicken Pox
899Child Abuse, Child Neglect
299Childhood Psychosis
575Cholecystitis without Gallstones
574Cholelithiasis (Gallstones) With or Without Cholecystitis
795Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
609Circumcision, Newborn
571CirrhosisLiver, Alcoholic, Biliary
443Claudication, Intermittent
749Cleft Palate, Lip
754Club Foot
286Coagulation Defects
747Coarctation of Aorta
460Cold, Common
54Cold Sore
788Colic, Renal
564Colitis – Mucus
556Colitis – Ulcerative
564ColonSpastic, Irritable
545Colon Positive Fecal Occult Blood
546Colon Surveillance
547Colon Family History of Colon Cancer
548Colon Screening
762Compression of Umbilical Cord
426Conduction Disorders, Other
79Condylomata Accuminata
758Congenital Anomalies – Autosomal, Chromosomal
747Congenital Anomalies – Circulatory System
751Congenital Anomalies – Digestive System
744Congenital Anomalies – Ear, Face, Neck
743Congenital Anomalies – Eye
752Congenital Anomalies – Genital Organs
746Congenital Anomalies – Heart
755Congenital Anomalies – Limbs
756Congenital Anomalies – Musculoskeletal System
748Congenital Anomalies – Nose and Respiratory System
750Congenital Anomalies – Pylorus, Mouth, Esophagus, and Stomach
758Congenital Anomalies – Sex Chromosomes
753Congenital Anomalies – Urinary System
428Congestive Heart Failure
372Conjunctiva Disorders – (e.g., Conjuntivitis)
255Conn’s Syndrome
895Contraceptive Advice
762Cord Prolapse
370Corneal Ulcer
412Coronary Artery Disease, Chronic, Without Symptoms
413Coronary Insufficiency, Acute
410Coronary Thrombosis
74Coxsackie Pleurodynia
781Cramps of Leg
555Crohn’s Disease
255Cushing’s Syndrome
436C.V.A. – Cerebrovascular Accident
727Cyst – Baker’s
616Cyst – Bartholin’s Gland
213Cyst – Bone
745Cyst – Branchial
610Cyst – Breast
525Cyst – Dental
228Cyst – Dermoid
122Cyst – Hydatid All Sites
210Cyst – Lip (mucocele)
220Cyst – Ovarian
685Cyst – Pilonidal
223Cyst – Renal
706Cyst – Sebaceous
753Cyst – Urachal
277Cystic Fibrosis
610Cystic Disease, Chronic or Cystic Mastitis
634Cystitis – During Pregnancy
389Deafness, All Types
707Decubitus Ulcer
319Deficiency – Mental
280Deficiency – Iron
269Deficiency – Nutritional, Vitamin
291Delirium Tremens
650Delivery – Normal
669Delivery – With Other Complications
641Delivery – With Placenta Praevia, Abruptio Placenta
521Dental Caries
300Depression, Reactive
311Depressive or Other Non-psychotic Disorder, Not Classified Elsewhere
691DermatitisAllergic, Atopic
361Detachment, Retinal
470Deviated Nasal Septum
250Diabetes Mellitus (Including Complications)
248Diabetes Mellitus with Ocular Complications
253Diabetes Insipidus
691Diaper Rash
905Difficulty at Work
255Disease – Addison’s
42Disease – A.I.D.S
437Disease – Arteriosclerotic
412Disease – Arteriosclerotic Heart
40Disease – Bacterial
443Disease – Buerger’s
610Disease – Breast Cystic, Chronic
580Disease – Bright’s
286Disease – Christmas
727Disease – De Quervaine’s
99Disease – Duchennes
242Disease – Graves
30Disease – Hansen’s
773Disease – Hemolytic of Newborn
201Disease – Hodgkin’s
349Disease – Huntington’s Chorea
402Disease – Hypertensive Heart
403Disease – Hypertensive Renal
413Disease – Ischaemic Heart
732Disease – Legg Perthes
518Disease – Lung, Other
720Disease – Marie Strumpell
386Disease – Meniere’s
349Disease – Motor Neurone
732Disease – Osgood-Schlatter
731Disease – Paget’s – of bone
332Disease – Parkinson’s
614Disease – Pelvic – inflammatory, chronic (P.I.D.)
443Disease – Peripheral Vascular (P.V.D.)
519Disease – Raynaud’s
398Disease – Respiratory System, other
714Disease – Still’s
330Disease – Tay -Sachs
330Disease – Venereal
66Disease – Viral, Arthropod-borne
832Dislocation – Elbow
834Dislocation – Finger
839Dislocation – Other
831Dislocation – Shoulder
562Diverticulitis – or Diverticulosis of small or large intestine
304Drug Addiction, Dependence
977Drug Overdose
292Drug Psychosis
532Duodenal Ulcer, With or Without Haemorrhage or Perforation
6Dysentery – Amoebic
256Dysfunction – Ovarian
253Dysfunction – Pituitary Gland
306Dysfunction – Sexual
622Dysplasia, Cervical
359Dystrophy, Muscular
897Economic Problems
633Ectopic Pregnancy
785Edema – Not yet diagnosed
902Educational Problems
677Embolism – Post-partum pulmonary
415Embolism – Pulmonary
62Encephalitis – Viral, Mosquito Borne
437Encephalopathy, Hypertensive
615Endometriosis – Acute or Chronic
555Enteritis – Regional
9Enteritis – Gastro
307Enuresis – Mental Disorder
464Epiglottitis, Acute
622Erosion, Cervical
695Erythema, Multiforme or Nodosum
381Eustachian Tube Disorders
379Eye Disorders, Other
374Eyelid Disorders, Other
351Facial Nerve Disorders
644False Labour
901Family Disruption
895Family Planning
270Fanconi Sydrome
75Fever – Glandular
477Fever – Hay
391Fever – Rheumatic with or without Endocarditis, Myocarditis or Pericarditis
34Fever – Scarlet
2Fever – Typhoid
610Fibro-adenosis of Breast
277Fibrosis – Cystic
515Fibrosis – Pulmonary
565Fissure, Anal
565Fistula, Anal
734Flat Foot
427Flutter, Atrial or Ventricular
5Food Poisoning
930Foreign Body – Eye or other tissues
824Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Ankle
814Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Carpal Bones
810Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Clavicle
802Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Facial Bones
821Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Femur
823Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Fibula
812Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Humerus
815Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Metacarpals
808Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Pelvis
816Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Phalanges
813Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Radius
807Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Ribs
803Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Skull
733Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Spontaneous
823Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Tibia
806Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Vertebral Column with spinal cord damage
805Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Vertebral Column without spinal cord damage
829Fractures, Fracture-dislocation – Other
302Fractures, Frigidity
994Fractures, Frostbite
680Fractures, Fungus – See Mycoses Furunculosis
574Gallstones (Calculus) Cholelithiasis, with or without Cholecystitis
531Gastric Ulcer
9Gastro-enteritis and Gastro-enteritis, Viral
56German Measles (Rubella)
75Glandular Fever
580Glmerulonephritis, Acute
242Goitre – Exophthalmic
241Goitre – Nontoxic Nodular
240Goitre – Simple Thyroid
98Gonococcal Infections
686Granuloma, Pyogenic
307Habit Spasms
379Haemorrhage, Eye
432Haemorrhage, Intracranial
640Haemorrhage in Early Pregnancy
666Haemorrhage, Post Partum
287Haemorrhagic Conditions, Other
735Hallux Valgus or Varus
735Hammer Toe
30Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy)
477Hay Fever
346Headache (Cephalgia) – Migraine
307Headache (Cephalgia) – Tension
780Headache (Cephalgia) – Except tension and migraine
426Heart Blocks
429Heart Disease, All Other Forms
428Heart Failure, Congestive
282Hemolytic Anemia, Hereditary
773Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
552Hernia – Femoral, umbilical, ventral, diaphragmatic or hiatus hernia with obstruction
553Hernia – Femoral, umbilical, ventral, diaphragmatic or hiatus hernia without obstruction
550Hernia – Inguinal with or without obstruction
99Herpes Genitalis
54Herpes Simplex
53Herpes Zoster
766High Birthweight Infant
371High Myopia – Greater than 9 diopters, irregular astigmatism resulting from post-corneal grafting or corneal scarring from disease
201Hodgkin’s Disease
595Hunner’s Ulcer
769Hyaline Membrane Disease
314Hyperactive Child
643Hyperemesis Gravidarum
314Hyperkinetic Syndrome of Childhood
259Hyperplasia – Adrenal
621Hyperplasia – Endometrial
401Hypertension, Essential
437Hypertensive Encephalopathy
402Hypertensive Heart Disease
403Hypertensive Renal Disease
362Hypertensive Retinopathy
600Hypertrophy – Benign Prostatic (B.P.H.)
611Hypertrophy – Breast
575Hypertrophy – Tonsils, Adenoids
244Hypothyroidism – Acquired
555Ileitis, Regional
560Ileus, Paralytic
279Immunity Disorders
896ImmunizationAll types
560Impaction of Intestine
788Incontinence of Urine
661Inertia, Uterine
410Infarction – Myocardial Acute
412Infarction – Myocardial Old, Without Symptoms
415Infarction – Pulmonary
98Infection – Actinomycotic
39Infection – Gonococcal
36Infection – Meningococcal
112Infection – Monilia all sites
3Infection – Nipple, Post-partum, Salmonella
44Infection – Other Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
474Infection – Tonsils, Adenoids Chronic
131Infection – Trichomonas Vaginalis
10Infection – Tuberculous, Primary, Including Recent Positive T.B. Skin Test Conversion
460Infection – Upper Respiratory
998Infection – Wound
127Infestation – Pinworm
123Infestation – Tapeworm – all types
703Ingrown Nail
550Inguinal Hernia with or without Obstruction
854Injury – Head
869Injury – Internal to Organ
959Injury – Other
900In-laws Problem
413Insufficiency Acute Coronary
722Intervertebral Disc Disorders
371Irregular Astigmatism – Resulting from post corneal grafting or corneal scarring from disease
413Ischaemic Heart Disease, Acute
435Ischamia, Transient Cerebral
698Itchy Condition, Other
718Joint – Ankylosis
728Joint – Arthrogryposis
718Joint – Contracture
718Joint – Derangement, Loose Bodies
781Joint – Pain
781Joint – Swelling, Masses
15Joint – Tuberculosis
739Joint – Other Disease of
701Joint – Keloid
370Joint – Keratitis
376Joint – Keratoconus
758Joint – Klinefelter’s Syndrome
291Korsakov’s Psychosis
664Laceration – Perineal
879Laceration – Except Limbs
894Laceration – Lower Limb(s)
884Laceration – Upper Limb(s)
259Lactic Acidosis
464Laryngitis, Acute
732Legg-perthes Disease
906Legal Problems
30Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)
528Leukoplakia – Oral Mucosa
529Leukoplakia – Tongue
132Lice, Head or Body
272Lipoid Metabolism Disorder
272Lipoprotein Disorders
528Lips, Diseases of
765Low Birthweight Infant
369Low Vision
529Ludwig’s Angina
724Lumbar Strain
695Lupus Erythematosus
710Lupus Erythematosus Disseminated
683Lymphadenitis Acute
579Malabsorption Syndrome
263Malnutrition, Unspecified
296Manic Depressive Psychosis
720Marie-Strumpell Spondylitis
898Marital Difficulties
785Masses – Circulatory System
786Masses – Respiratory System
787Masses – Digestive System
788Masses – Genito-urinary System
610Mastitis – Cystic
675Mastitis – Post-partum
56Measles – German, Rubella
296Melancholia, Involutional
386Meniere’s Disease
225Meningioma (Benign)
320Meningitis – Bacterial, Central Nervous System
321Meningitis – Due to Other Organisms
47Meningitis – Enterovirus
36Meningitis – Infectious
36Meningococcal Infection
718Meniscus or Cartilage Tear
626Menstruation Disorders
319Mental Deficiency, Retardation
557Mesenteric Artery Occlusion
277Metabolic Disorders, Other
394Mitral Insufficiency or Stenosis
112Monilia Infection, All Sites
75Mononucleosis, Infectious
349Motor Neurone Disease
315Motor Retardation
651Multiple Pregnancy
340Multiple Sclerosis
728Muscle Spasms
359Muscular Dystrophy
729Muscular Rheumatism
358Myasthenia Gravis
117Mycoses, All Types
429Myocarditis – Artherosclerotic
391Myocarditis – Rheumatic
391Myocarditis – Rheumatic
74Myocarditis – Coxsackie
410Myocardial – InfarctionAcute
412Myocardial – Old
367Myoneural Disorders
216Naevus, Pigmented
471Nasal Polyp
460Nasopharyingitis, Acute
847Neck Sprain/Strain
223Neoplasm (Benign) – Bladder
213Neoplasm (Benign) – Bone
225Neoplasm (Benign) – Brain
213Neoplasm (Benign) – Cartilage
218Neoplasm (Benign) – Cervical Polyp
215Neoplasm (Benign) – Connective and other soft tissue
216Neoplasm (Benign) – Dermato Fibroma
230Neoplasm (Benign) – Digestive System, other parts
224Neoplasm (Benign) – Eye
221Neoplasm (Benign) – Genital Organs, female, other
222Neoplasm (Benign) – Genital Organs, male, other
228Neoplasm (Benign) – Hemangioma
212Neoplasm (Benign) – Intrathoracic Organs
223Neoplasm (Benign) – Kidney
218Neoplasm (Benign) – Leiomyoma
210Neoplasm (Benign) – Lip
214Neoplasm (Benign) – Lipoma
228Neoplasm (Benign) – Lymphangioma
210Neoplasm (Benign) – Oral Cavity
227Neoplasm (Benign) – Other Endocrine Glands/related structures
220Neoplasm (Benign) – Ovary, e.g. Ovarian Cyst
225Neoplasm (Benign) – Peripheral Nerves
211Neoplasm (Benign) – Peritoneum
212Neoplasm (Benign) – Respiratory System
216Neoplasm (Benign) – Seborrheic Wart
216Neoplasm (Benign) – Skin
225Neoplasm (Benign) – Spinal Cord
226Neoplasm (Benign) – Thyroid
223Neoplasm (Benign) – Ureter
218Neoplasm (Benign) – Uterine Fibroid
229Neoplasm (Benign) – Other
154Neoplasm (Malignant) – Anus
191Neoplasm (Malignant) – Astroblastoma, Astrocytoma
173Neoplasm (Malignant) – Basal Cell
188Neoplasm (Malignant) – Bladder
170Neoplasm (Malignant) – Bone
191Neoplasm (Malignant) – Brain
174Neoplasm (Malignant) – Breast, Female
183Neoplasm (Malignant) – Broad, Ligament
162Neoplasm (Malignant) – Bronchus
199Neoplasm (Malignant) – Cancer, Multiple Sites
198Neoplasm (Malignant) – Carcinomatosis
180Neoplasm (Malignant) – Cervix
171Neoplasm (Malignant) – Connective and other soft tissue
192Neoplasm (Malignant) – Cranial Nerves
150Neoplasm (Malignant) – Esophagus
190Neoplasm (Malignant) – Eye
183Neoplasm (Malignant) – Fallopian Tube
156Neoplasm (Malignant) – Gallbladder and Extra Hepatic Bile Ducts
184Neoplasm (Malignant) – Genital Organs, female, other
187Neoplasm (Malignant) – Genital Organs, male, other
143Neoplasm (Malignant) – Gum
201Neoplasm (Malignant) – Hodgkin’s Disease
148Neoplasm (Malignant) – Hypopharynx
189Neoplasm (Malignant) – Kidney
153Neoplasm (Malignant) – Large Intestine Excluding Rectum
161Neoplasm (Malignant) – Larynx
204Neoplasm (Malignant) – Leukemia, Lymphatic, Lymphocytic, Lymphoid
206Neoplasm (Malignant) – Leukemia, Monocytic
205Neoplasm (Malignant) – Leukemia, myeloid including granulocytic and myelogenous
208Neoplasm (Malignant) – Leukemia, other types
203Neoplasm (Malignant) – Leukemia, plasma cell
140Neoplasm (Malignant) – Lip
155Neoplasm (Malignant) – Liver, primary malignancy (not secondary spread or metastatic)
202Neoplasm (Malignant) – Lymphoid and Histiocytic Tissue, other
200Neoplasm (Malignant) – Lymphosarcoma
142Neoplasm (Malignant) – Major Salivary Glands
175Neoplasm (Malignant) – Male Breast
172Neoplasm (Malignant) – Melanoma of Skin
199Neoplasm (Malignant) – Metastic Disease, secondary spread
144Neoplasm (Malignant) – Mouth, Floor of
203Neoplasm (Malignant) – Multiple Myeloma
160Neoplasm (Malignant) – Nasal Cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses
147Neoplasm (Malignant) – Nasopharynx
146Neoplasm (Malignant) – Oropharynx
194Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other Endocrine Glands and related structures
159Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum
149Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other and ill-defined sites within the lip, oral cavity and pharynx
195Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other and ill-defined sites
145Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other and unspecified parts of mouth
165Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other sites within the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs
207Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other Specified Leukaemia
183Neoplasm (Malignant) – Ovary
157Neoplasm (Malignant) – Pancreas
181Neoplasm (Malignant) – Placenta
163Neoplasm (Malignant) – Pleura
185Neoplasm (Malignant) – Prostate
154Neoplasm (Malignant) – Recto Sigmoid
154Neoplasm (Malignant) – Rectum
200Neoplasm (Malignant) – Reticulosarcoma
158Neoplasm (Malignant) – Retroperitoneum and Peritoneum
198Neoplasm (Malignant) – Secondary Cancer
196Neoplasm (Malignant) – Secondary Neoplasm of Lymph Nodes
197Neoplasm (Malignant) – Secondary Neoplasm of Respiratory and Digestive System
173Neoplasm (Malignant) – Skin Malignancies, other
152Neoplasm (Malignant) – Small Intestine, including duodenum
192Neoplasm (Malignant) – Spinal Cord
151Neoplasm (Malignant) – Stomach
186Neoplasm (Malignant) – Testis
164Neoplasm (Malignant) – Thymus, Heart and Mediastinum
193Neoplasm (Malignant) – Thyroid
141Neoplasm (Malignant) – Tongue
189Neoplasm (Malignant) – Urinary Organs, other
182Neoplasm (Malignant) – Uterus, body of
179Neoplasm (Malignant) – Uterus, part unspecified
184Neoplasm (Malignant) – Vagina
184Neoplasm (Malignant) – Vulva
199Neoplasm (Malignant) – Other Malignant Tumours
239Neoplasm Unspecified – (e.g., Polycythemia Vera)
235Neoplasm Of Uncertain Behaviour – Digestive and Respiratory Systems
237Neoplasm Of Uncertain Behaviour – Endocrine Glands and Nervous System
236Neoplasm Of Uncertain Behaviour – Genitourinary Organs
238Neoplasm Of Uncertain Behaviour – Other and Unspecified Sites and Tissues
581Nephrotic Syndrome
350Neuralgia, Trigeminal
356Neuritis, Idiopathic Peripheral
377Neuritis, Optic
300NeurosisAnxiety, Obessive Compulsive
311Non-psychotic Disorder Not Classified Elsewhere
269Nutritional and Vitamin Deficiencies
300Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis
301Obsessive Compulsive Personality
660Obstructed Labour
530Obstruction – Esophagus
560Obstruction – Intestine
375Obstruction – Lacrimal Duct
496Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – Chronic, other
905Occupational Problems – Unemployment, difficulty at work
614Oophoritis – Acute or chronic
879Open Wounds – Except Limbs
894Open Wounds – Lower Limb(s)
884Open Wounds – Upper Limb(s)
732Osgood-Schlatter Disease
731Osteitis Deformans
732Osteochondritis, Osteochondritis Dissecans
380Otitis Externa
381Otitis Media, Serous
382Otitis Media, Suppurative
256Ovarian Dysfunction – Failure
977Overdose, Drug
787Pain – Abdominal
785Pain – Chest
781Pain – Joint, Leg, Muscle
351Palsy – Bell’s
343Palsy – Cerebral
251Pancreas Endocrine Disorders
351Paralysis, Facial
560Paralytic Ileus
301Paranoid Personality Disorder
297Paranoid States
2Paratyphoid Fever
252Parathyroid Gland Disorders
899Parent-child Problems – (e.g., Child Abuse, Battered Child, Child Neglect)
332Parkinson’s Disease
427Paroxysmal Tachycardia
747Patent Ductus Arteriosus
614Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (P.I.D.)
384Performation of Tympanic Membrane
763Perinatal Morbidity & Mortality, Due to Complications of Labour or Delivery
777Perinatal Disorders of Digestive System
523Periodontal Disease
443Peripheral Vascular Disease
567Peritonitis, With Or Without Abscess
301Personality Disorder – (e.g., Obsessive Compulsive)
301Personality Disorder – Paranoid
301Personality Disorder – Schizoid
33Personality Disorder – Pertussis
734Personality Disorder – Pes Planus
460Personality Disorder – Pharyngitis
605Personality Disorder – Phimosis
451Personality Disorder – Phlebitis
614P.I.D. – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
646P.I.D. – During Pregnancy
685Pilonidal Cyst or Abscess
127Pinworm Infestation
253Pituitary Gland Dysfunction
641Placenta Previa
511Pleurisy – With or Without Effusion
12Pleurisy – Tuberculosis
74Pleurodynia, Bronholm’s Disease
486Pneumonia, All Types
512Pneumothorax, Spontaneous or Tension
5Poisoning – Food
38Poisoning – Blood
45Poliomyelitis, Acute
446Polyarteritis Nodosa
239Polycythemia Vera
256Polycystic Ovaries
725Polymyalgia Rheumatic
569Polyp – Anal or Rectal
219Polyp – Cervical
471Polyp – Nasal
10Positive Conversion of T.B. Skin Test
642Pre -eclampsia (P.E.T.)
653Pregnancy – Abnormality Bony Pelvis
646Pregnancy – Anemia of
633Pregnancy – Ectopic
656Pregnancy – Foetal Distress
651Pregnancy – Multiple
646Pregnancy – Other complications (e.g., Vulvitis, Vaginitis, Cervicitis, Pyelitis)
658Pregnancy – Premature Rupture of Membranes
645Pregnancy – Prolonged Pregnancy (post dates/post maturity pregnancy)
646Pregnancy – Cys titis
650Pregnancy – Uncomplicated
644Premature Labour
625Premenstrual Tension
290Presenile Dementia
900Problems – Aged Parent(s)
897Problems – Economic
902Problems – Educational
901Problems – Family Disruption, Divorce
903Problems – Illegitimacy
900Problems – In-laws
905Problems – Occupational, Unemployment, Difficulty at Work
899Problems – Parent/child (e.g., child-abuse, battered child, child neglect)
904Problems – Social Maladjustment
909Problems – Other problems of social adjustment
524Problems – Prognathism
569Problems – Prolapse Rectal
762Problems – Umbilical Cord
618Problems – Uterine
662Prolonged Labour
698Pruritic (Itchy) Condition, Other
698Pruritus Ani
291Psychosis – Alcoholic
299Psychosis – Childhood
292Psychosis – Drug
291Psychosis – Korsakov’s
296Psychosis – Manic Depressive
298Psychosis – Other
306Psychosomatic Disturbances
374Ptosis, Eyelid
11Pulmonary Tuberculosis
415Pulmonary Embolism, Infarction
780P.U.O. (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin)
634Pyelitis – During Pregnancy
590Pyelonephritis, Acute or Chronic
711Pyogenic Arthritis
686Pyogenic Granuloma
443Raynaud’s Disease
569Rectal Stricture, Prolapse, Bleeding
972Recurrent Uveitis
367Refraction and Accommodation Disorder
788Renal Colic
584Renal Failure Acute
585Renal Failure Chronic
769Respiratory Distress Syndrome
667Retained Placenta
361Retinal Detachment
621Retroversion of Uterus
391Rheumatic Fever With Endocarditis, Myocarditis or Pericarditis
390Rheumatic Fever Without Endocarditis, Myocarditis or Pericarditis
398Rheumatic Heart Disease Other
729Rheumatism, Muscular
477Rhinitis, Allergic
110Ringworm – Scalp, Beard, Foot
117Ringworm – Other
56Rubella (German Measles)
55Rubeoloa (Measles)
527Salivary Gland, Diseases of
3Salmonella Infections
614SalpingitisAcute, or chronic (fallopian tube)
709Scar, Scarring
34Scarlet Fever
301Schizoid Personality Disorder
701Scleroderma – Localized
710Scleroderma – Generalized
706Sebaceous Cyst
690Seborrheic Dermatitis
608Seminal Vesiculitis
290Senile Dementia
745Septal Defect, Atrial or Ventricular
302Sexual Deviations
306Sexual Dysfunction
786Shortness of Breath
461Sinusitis Acute
473Sinusitis Chronic
701Skin, Dry
307Sleep Disorders
909Social Adjustment Problem: Other than those individually specified in this list
904Social Maladjustment
728Spasms, Muscle
564Spastic Colon
741Spina Bifida With or Without Hydrocephalus
720Spondylitis – Ankylosing
721Spondyloarthropathies – Sero-Negative
579Sprains – See Strains – Sprue
38Staphlococcal Infection
454Stasis Ulcer
256Stein-Leventhal Syndrome
530Stenosis – Esophagus
394Stenosis – Mitral
747Stenosis – Pulmonary Artery
623Stenosis – Vagina
895Sterilization Advice
714Still’s Disease
989Sting, Bee Or Wasp
534Stomal Ulcer
592Stone (Calculus) – In Kidney or Ureter
574Stone (Calculus) – (Cholelithiasis) with or without Cholecystitis
845Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Ankle, Foot, Toes
847Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Coccyx
844Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Knee, Leg
847Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Neck
840Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Shoulder, Upper Arm
842Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Wrist, Hand, Fingers
848Strains, Sprains and Other Trauma – Other
34Streptococcal Sore Throat
625Stress Incontinence
569Stricture – Anal or Rectal
530Stricture – Esophagus
598Stricture – Urethral
623Stricture – Vagina
436Stroke, C.V.A.
798Sudden Death, Cause Unknown
989Suicide, Attempted – Chemicals
977Suicide, Attempted – Drugs
300Suicide, Attempted – Tendencies
959Suicide, Attempted – Trauma
799Sweating, Excessive
487Swine Flu
97Syphilis, All Sites and Stages
785Tachycardia – Not yet diagnosed
427Tachycardia – Paroxysmal
123Tapeworm Infestation, All Types
330Tay -Sachs Disease
521Teeth, Other Diseases of Hard Tissues
525Teeth and Supporting Structures Other Conditions
524Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
257Testicular Dysfunction
745Tetralogy of Fallot
644Threatened Labour
671Thrombophlebitis – Post Partum
436Thrombosis – Cerebral
410Thrombosis – Coronary
452Thrombosis of Portal Vein
350Tic Douloureux
305Tobacco Abuse
529Tongue, Other Conditions of Tonsillitis
463Tongue, Other Conditions of Tonsillitis – Acute
474Tonsils And/or Adenoids, Hypertrophy or Chronic Infection
608Torsion of Cord or Testis
739Torticollis (Wry Neck)
464Tracheitis, Acute
435Transient Cerebral Ischaemia
745Transportation of Great Vessels
716Traumatic Arthritis
131Trichomonas Infection
15Tuberculosis – Bones and Joints
17Tuberculosis – Other Organs
12Tuberculosis – Pleurisy – with or without effusion
11Tuberculosis – Pulmonsary
12Recent positive conversion of T.B. skin Respiratory
10Tuberculosis – Test
758Turner’s Syndrome
2Typhoid Fever, Paratyphoid
528Ulcer – Aphthous
370Ulcer – Corneal
707Ulcer – Decubitus
532Ulcer – Duodenal with or without haemorrhage or perforation
530Ulcer – Esophagus
531Ulcer – Gastric with or without haemorrhage or perforation
531Ulcer – Stasis
534Ulcer – Stomal, Gastrojejunal
595Ulcer – Hunner’s
608Undescended Testicle
905Unemployment Problems
652Unusual Position Of Fetus
460Upper Respiratory Infection
753Urachal Cyst
598Urethral Stricture
597Urethritis, Non-specific Not sexually transmitted
788Urinary Retention
708Urticaria, Allergic
218Uterine – Fibroid
661Uterine – Inertia
618Uterine – Prolapse
616Vaginitis – (Not trichomonas – see 131)
646Vaginitis – With Pregnancy
646Varicose Veins – With Pregnancy
454Varicose Veins – Of lower extremities, with or without ulcer
780Vaso Vagal Attack
427Ventricular Flutter, Fibrillation
608Vesiculitis, Seminal
136Vincent’s Angina
368Visual Field Defects
643Vomiting, as a Complication of Pregnancy
616Vulvitis – Unrelated to Pregnancy
646Vulvitis – With Pregnancy
78Warts – All Types
216Warts – Seborrheic
629Warts – Venereal, Other Disorders
989Wasp Sting
989Wax in Ear
917Well Vision Care
33Whooping Cough
739Wry Neck (Torticollis)
255Adrenal Gland
270Amino Acid Metabolism
40Bacterial Diseases – Other
313Behaviour of Childhood and Adolescence
576Bile Ducts
733Bone and Cartilage
459Circulatory System
759Congenital Anomalies
739Connective Tissue
352Cranial Nerves
311Depressive – Not elsewhere classified
787Digestive System – Signs and symptoms not yet diagnosed
381Eustachian Tube
351Facial Nerves
351Facial Nerves
779Fetus or Newborn
799General Symptoms
629Genital Organs, Female
608Genital Organs, Male
788Genito-urinary System – Signs and symptoms not yet diagnosed
429Heart Disease
136Infective Disease
722Intervertebral Disc
557Intestines – Other vascular conditions
272Lipoid Metabolism
277Metabolic Disorders
739Musculoskeletal System
349Nervous System, Central
311Non-psychotic – Not elsewhere classified
136Parasitic Diseases
301Personality Disorders
253Pituitary Gland
367Refraction and Accommodation
519Respiratory System
786Respiratory System – Signs and Symptoms not yet diagnosed
709Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other disorders
698Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other itchy conditions
686Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other local infections
525Teeth and Supporting Structures
599Urinary Tract
79Viral Disease
49Viral Disease – Of central nervous system, non-arthropod-borne
916Well Baby Care
2Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Intestinal Infectious Diseases – Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
3Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Intestinal Infectious Diseases – Other salmonella infections
5Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Intestinal Infectious Diseases – Food poisoning
6Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Intestinal Infectious Diseases – Amoebiasis, amoebic dysentery
9Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Intestinal Infectious Diseases – Diarrhea, gastro-enteritis, viral gastro-enteritis
10Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Tuberculosis – Primary tuberculous infection, including recent positive TB skin test conversion
11Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Tuberculosis – Pulmonary tuberculosis
12Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Tuberculosis – Other respiratory tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy with or without effusion
15Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Tuberculosis – Tuberculosis of bones and joints
17Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Tuberculosis – Tuberculosis of other organs
23Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Brucellosis
30Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)
32Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Diphtheria
33Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Whooping cough, pertussis
34Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Streptococcal sore throat, scarlet fever
35Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Erysipelas
36Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Meningococcal infection or meningitis
37Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Tetanus
38Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Septicemia, blood poisoning
39Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Actinomycotic infections
40Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Bacterial Diseases – Other bacterial diseases
42Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection – AIDS
43Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection – AIDS-related complex (ARC)
44Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection – Other human immunodeficiency virus infection
45Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Non-arthropod-borne Viral Diseases of Central Nervous System – Acute poliomyelitis
47Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Non-arthropod-borne Viral Diseases of Central Nervous System – Meningitis due to enterovirus
49Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Non-arthropod-borne Viral Diseases of Central Nervous System – Other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system
52Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Viral Diseases Accompanied by Rash – Chickenpox
53Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Viral Diseases Accompanied by Rash – Herpes zoster, shingles
54Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Viral Diseases Accompanied by Rash – Herpes simplex, cold sore
55Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Viral Diseases Accompanied by Rash – Measles
56Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Viral Diseases Accompanied by Rash – German measles, rubella
57Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Viral Diseases Accompanied by Rash – Other viral disorders accompanied by rash (e.g., roseola)
62Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis
66Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Other arthropod-borne viral diseases
70Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Viral hepatitis
72Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Mumps
74Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Diseases due to Coxsackie virus: pleurodynia, myocarditis
75Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Infectious mononucleosis, glandular fever
78Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Warts
79Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Viral Diseases – Other viral diseases
97Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Venereal Diseases – Syphilis – all sites and stages
98Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Venereal Diseases – Gonococcal infections
99Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Venereal Diseases – Other venereal diseases (e.g., herpes genitalis)
100Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Venereal Diseases – Diagnostic code 100 is for internal use only and should be used when it is requested that the service or diagnosis on the incoming claim be suppressed from verification. The usage of the code is monitored
110Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Mycoses – Ringworm of scalp, beard, or foot
112Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Mycoses – Candidiasis, monilia infection – all sites, thrush
115Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Mycoses – Histoplasmosis
117Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Mycoses – Other mycoses
122Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Helminthiases – Echinococcosis, hydadid cyst – all sites
123Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Helminthiases – Taenia or tapeworm infestation – all types
127Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Helminthiases – Pinworm infestation
128Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Helminthiases – Other helminthiases
130Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – Toxoplasmosis
131Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – Trichomonas infection
132Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – Head or body lice, pediculosis
133Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – Scabies, acariasis
135Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – Sarcoidosis
136Infections and Parasitic Diseases (Numeric) – Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – Other infectious or parasitic diseases
140Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Lip
141Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Tongue
142Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Major salivary glands
143Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Gum
144Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Floor of mouth
145Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other and unspecified parts of mouth
146Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Oropharynx
147Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Nasopharynx
148Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Hypopharynx
149Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other and ill-defined sites within the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx
150Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Esophagus
151Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Stomach
152Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Small intestine, including duodenum
153Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Large intestine – excluding rectum
154Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Rectum, rectosigmoid and anus
155Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Primary malignancy of liver (not secondary spread or metastatic disease)
156Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Gallbladder and extra hepatic bile ducts
157Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Pancreas
158Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Retroperitoneum and peritoneum
159Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum
160Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses
161Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Larynx, trachea
162Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Bronchus, lung
163Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Pleura
164Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Thymus, heart, and mediastinum
165Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other sites within the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs
170Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Bone
171Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Connective and other soft tissue
172Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Melanoma of skin
173Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other skin malignancies
174Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Female breast
175Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Male breast
179Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Uterus, part unspecified
180Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Cervix
181Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Placenta
182Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Body of uterus
183Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Ovary, fallopian tube, broad ligament
184Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Vagina, vulva, other female genital organs
186Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Testis
187Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other male genital organs
188Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Bladder
189Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Kidney, other urinary organs
190Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Eye
191Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Brain
192Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Cranial nerves, spinal cord, other parts of nervous system
193Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Thyroid
194Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other endocrine glands and related structures
195Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other ill-defined sites
196Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Secondary neoplasm of lymph nodes
197Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Secondary neoplasm of respiratory and digestive systems
198Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Metastatic or secondary malignant neoplasm, carcinomatosis
199Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other malignant neoplasms
200Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Lymphosarcoma, reticulosarcoma
201Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Hodgkin’s disease
202Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue
203Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Multiple myeloma, plasma cell leukemia
204Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Lymphoid leukemia (including lymphatic and histiocytic leukemia)
205Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Myeloid leukemia (including granulocytic and myelogenous leukemia)
206Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Monocytic leukemia
207Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other specified leukemia
208Neoplasms – Malignant Neoplasms – Other types of leukemia
210Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Lip, oral cavity, pharynx
211Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Other parts of digestive system, peritoneum
212Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Respiratory and intra-thoracic organs
213Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Bone, cartilage
214Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Lipoma
215Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Connective and other soft tissue
216Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Skin (e.g., pigmented naevus, dermatofibroma)
218Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Uterine fibroid, leiomyoma
219Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Other benign neoplasms of uterus (e.g., cervical polyp)
220Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Ovary (e.g., ovarian cyst)
221Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Other benign neoplasms of female genital organs
222Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Benign neoplasms of male genital organs
223Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Kidney, ureter, bladder
224Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Eye
225Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves
226Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Thyroid (e.g., adenoma or cystadenoma)
227Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Other endocrine glands and related structures
228Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Haemangioma and lymphangiomax
229Neoplasms – Benign Neoplasms – Other benign neoplasms
230Neoplasms – Carcinoma in Situ – Digestive organs
231Neoplasms – Carcinoma in Situ – Respiratory system
232Neoplasms – Carcinoma in Situ – Skin
233Neoplasms – Carcinoma in Situ – Breast and genito-urinary system
234Neoplasms – Carcinoma in Situ – Other
235Neoplasms – Neoplasms of Uncertain Behavior – Digestive and respiratory systems
236Neoplasms – Neoplasms of Uncertain Behavior – Genitourinary organs
237Neoplasms – Neoplasms of Uncertain Behavior – Endocrine glands and nervous system
238Neoplasms – Neoplasms of Uncertain Behavior – Other and unspecified sites and tissues
239Neoplasms – Neoplasms of Uncertain Behavior – Unspecified neoplasms (e.g., polycythemia vera)
240Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Simple thyroid goitre
241Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Nontoxic nodular goitre
242Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, exophthalmic goitre
243Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Hypothyroidism – congenital (i.e., cretinism)
244Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Hypothyroidism – acquired (i.e., myxedema)
245Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Thyroiditis
249Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Pre-diabetes
250Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Diabetes mellitus, including complications
251Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretions (e.g., insulinoma neo-natal hypoglycemia, Zollinger -Ellison syndrome)
252Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Parathyroid gland disorders (e.g., hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism)
253Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Pituitary gland disorders (e.g., acromegaly, dwarfism, diabetes insipidus)
255Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Adrenal gland disorders (e.g., Cushing’s syndrome, hyperaldosteronism, Conn’s syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, Addison’s disease)
256Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Ovarian dysfunction (e.g., ovarian failure, polycystic ovaries, Stein-Leventhal syndrome)
257Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Testicular dysfunction
259Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Endocrine Glands – Other endocrine disorders
263Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Unspecified malnutrition
269Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies
270Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Disorders of amino-acid metabolism (e.g., cystinuria, Fanconi syndrome)
272Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Disorders of lipoid metabolism (e.g., hypercholesterolemia, lipoprotein disorders)
274Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Gout
277Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Other metabolic disorders
278Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders – Obesity
279Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders – Immunity Disorders – Hypogammaglobulinemia, agammaglobulinemia, other immunity disorders
280Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Iron deficiency anaemia
281Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Pernicious anaemia
282Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Hereditary hemolytic anaemia (e.g., thalassemia, sickle- cell anaemia)
283Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Acquired hemolytic anaemia, excluding hemolytic disease of newborn
284Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Aplastic anaemia
285Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Other anaemias
286Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Coagulation defects (e.g., hemophilia, other factor deficiencies)
287Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Purpura, thrombocytopenia, other hemorrhagic conditions
288Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Neutropenia, acranulocytosis, eosinophilia
289Diseases of Blood and Blood-Forming Organs – Other diseases of blood, marrow, spleen
290Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Senile dementia, presenile dementia
291Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Alcoholic psychosis, delirium tremens, Korsakov’s psychosis
292Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Drug psychosis
295Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Schizophrenia
297Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Paranoid states
298Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Other psychoses
299Mental Disorders – Psychoses – Childhood psychoses (e.g., autism)
300Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Anxiety neurosis, hysteria, neurasthenia, obsessive compulsive neurosis, reactive depression
301Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Personality disorders (e.g., paranoid personality, schizoid personality, obsessive compulsive personality)
302Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Sexual deviations
303Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Alcoholism
304Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Drug dependence, drug addiction
305Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Tobacco abuse
306Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Psychosomatic disturbances
307Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Habit spasms, tics, stuttering, tension headaches, anorexia nervosa, sleep disorders, enuresis
309Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Adjustment reaction
311Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Depressive or other non-psychotic disorders, not elsewhere classified
313Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Behaviour disorders of childhood and adolescence
314Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood
315Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Specified delays in development (e.g., dyslexia, dyslalia, motor retardation)
319Mental Disorders – Neuroses and Personality Disorders – Mental retardation
320Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Bacterial meningitis
321Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Meningitis due to other organisms
323Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Encephalitis, encephalomyelitis
330Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Tay-Sachs disease
331Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Other cerebral degenerations
332Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Parkinson’s disease
340Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Multiple sclerosis
343Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Cerebral palsy
345Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Epilepsy
346Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Migraine
349Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Central Nervous System – Other diseases of central nervous system (e.g., brain abscess, narcolepsy, motor neuron disease, syringomyelia)
350Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Peripheral Nervous System – Trigeminal neuralgia, tic douloureux
351Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Peripheral Nervous System – Bell’s palsy, facial nerve disorders
352Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Peripheral Nervous System – Disorders of other cranial nerves
356Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Peripheral Nervous System – Idiopathic peripheral neuritis
358Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Peripheral Nervous System – Myoneural disorders (e.g., myasthenia gravis)
359Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Peripheral Nervous System – Muscular dystrophies
360Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Aphakia
361Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Retinal detachment
362Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Hypertensive retinopathy and other retinal diseases not specifically listed
363Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Chorioretinitis
364Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Iritis
365Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Glaucoma
366Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Cataract, excludes diabetic or congenital
367Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Myopia, astigmatism (except for the specific conditions defined by diagnostic code 371), presbyopia and other disorders of refraction and accommodation
368Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Amblyopia, visual field defects
369Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Blindness and low vision
370Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Keratitis, corneal ulcer
371Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – High Myopia greater than 9 diopters; Irregular Astigmatism resulting from corneal grafting or corneal scarring from diseases
372Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Conjunctiva disorders (e.g., conjunctivitis, pterygium)
373Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Blepharitis, chalazion, stye
374Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Other eyelid disorders (e.g., entropion, ectropion, ptosis)
375Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Dacryocystitis, obstruction of lacrimal duct
376Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Keratoconus
377Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Optic neuritis
378Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Strabismus
379Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Eye – Other disorders of the eye
380Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Otitis externa
381Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Serous otitis media, eustachian tube disorders
382Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Suppurative otitis media
383Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Mastoiditis
384Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Perforation of tympanic membrane
386Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Meniere’s disease, labyrinthitis
387Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Otosclerosis
388Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Wax or cerumen in ear, other disorders of ear and mastoid, tinnitus
389Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Ear and Mastoid – Deafness
780Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs – Signs and Symptoms Not Yet Diagnosed – Convulsions, ataxia, vertigo, headache, except tension headache and migraine
390Diseases of the Circulatory System – Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease – Rheumatic fever without endocarditis, myocarditis or pericarditis
391Diseases of the Circulatory System – Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease – Rheumatic fever with endocarditis, myocarditis, or pericarditis
392Diseases of the Circulatory System – Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease – Chorea
394Diseases of the Circulatory System – Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease – Mitral stenosis, mitral insufficiency
398Diseases of the Circulatory System – Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease – Other rheumatic heart disease
401Diseases of the Circulatory System – Hypertensive Disease – Essential, benign hypertension
402Diseases of the Circulatory System – Hypertensive Disease – Hypertensive heart disease
403Diseases of the Circulatory System – Hypertensive Disease – Hypertensive renal disease
410Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Acute myocardial infarction
412Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Old myocardial infarction, chronic coronary arterydisease of arteriosclerotic heart disease, without symptoms
413Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Acute coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, acute ischaemic heart disease
415Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary infarction
426Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Heart blocks, other conduction disorders
427Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial or ventricular flutter or fibrillation, cardiac arrest, other arrythmias
428Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – Congestive heart failure
429Diseases of the Circulatory System – Ischaemic and Other Forms of Heart Disease – All other forms of heart disease
432Diseases of the Circulatory System – Cerebrovascular Disease – Intracranial Haemorrhage
435Diseases of the Circulatory System – Cerebrovascular Disease – Transient cerebral ischaemia
436Diseases of the Circulatory System – Cerebrovascular Disease – Acute cerebrovascular accident, C.V.A., stroke
437Diseases of the Circulatory System – Cerebrovascular Disease – Chronic arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease, hypertensive encephalopathy
440Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Arteries – Generalized arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis
441Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Arteries – Aortic aneurysm (non-syphilitic)
443Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Arteries – Raynaud’s disease, Buerger’s disease, peripheral vascular disease, intermittent claudication
446Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Arteries – Polyarteritis nodosa, temporal arteritis
447Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Arteries – Other disorders of arteries
451Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Veins and Lyphatics – Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis
452Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Veins and Lyphatics – Portal vein thrombosis
454Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Veins and Lyphatics – Varicose veins of lower extremities with or without ulcer
455Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Veins and Lyphatics – Haemorrhoids
457Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Veins and Lyphatics – Lymphangitis, lymphedema
459Diseases of the Circulatory System – Diseases of Veins and Lyphatics – Other disorders of circulatory system
785Diseases of the Circulatory System – Signs and Symptoms Not Yet Diagnosed – Chest pain, tachycardia, syncope, shock, edema, masses
460Diseases of the Respiratory System – Acute nasopharyngitis, common cold
461Diseases of the Respiratory System – Acute sinusitis
463Diseases of the Respiratory System – Acute tonsillitis
464Diseases of the Respiratory System – Acute laryngitis, tracheitis, croup, epiglottis
466Diseases of the Respiratory System – Acute bronchitis
470Diseases of the Respiratory System – Deviated nasal septum
471Diseases of the Respiratory System – Nasal polyp
473Diseases of the Respiratory System – Chronic sinusitis
474Diseases of the Respiratory System – Hypertrophy or chronic infection of tonsils and/or adenoids
477Diseases of the Respiratory System – Allergic rhinitis, hay fever
486Diseases of the Respiratory System – Pneumonia – all types
487Diseases of the Respiratory System – Influenza
491Diseases of the Respiratory System – Chronic bronchitis
493Diseases of the Respiratory System – Asthma, allergic bronchitis
494Diseases of the Respiratory System – Bronchiectasis
496Diseases of the Respiratory System – Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
501Diseases of the Respiratory System – Asbestosis
502Diseases of the Respiratory System – Silicosis
511Diseases of the Respiratory System – Pleurisy with or without effusion
512Diseases of the Respiratory System – Spontaneous pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax
515Diseases of the Respiratory System – Pulmonary fibrosis
518Diseases of the Respiratory System – Atelectasis, other diseases of lung
519Diseases of the Respiratory System – Other diseases of respiratory system
786Diseases of the Respiratory System – Signs and Symptoms Not Yet Diagnosed: Epistaxis, hemoptysis, cough, dyspnea, masses, shortness of breath, hyperventilation, sleep apnea
521Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Dental caries, other diseases of hard tissues of teeth (system inserted for dentists’ claims)
523Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Gingivitis, periodontal disease
524Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Prognathism, micrognathism, macrognathism, retrognathism, malocclusion, temporomandibular joint disorders
525Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Other conditions of teeth and supporting structure
527Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Disease of salivary glands
528Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Stomatitis, aphthous ulcers, canker sore, diseases of lips
529Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Jaws – Glossitis, other conditions of the tongue
530Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Esophagitis, cardiospasm, ulcer of esophagus; stric ture, stenosis, or obstruction of esophagus
531Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Gastric ulcer, with or without haemorrage or perforation
532Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Duodenal ulcer, with or without haemorrhage or perforation
534Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Stomal ulcer, gastrojejunal ulcer
535Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Gastritis
536Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Hyperchlorhydria, hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia, indigestion
537Diseases of the Digestive System – Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum – Other disorders of stomach and duodenum
550Diseases of the Digestive System – Hernia – Inguinal hernia, with or without obstruction
552Diseases of the Digestive System – Hernia – Femoral, umbilical, ventral, diaphragmatic or hiatus hernia with obstruction
553Diseases of the Digestive System – Hernia – Femoral, umbilical, ventral, diaphragmatic or hiatus hernia without obstruction
540Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Acute appendicitis, with or without abscess or peritonitis
555Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Regional enteritis, Crohn’s disease
556Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Ulcerative colitis
557Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Mesenteric artery occlusion, other vascular conditions of intestine
560Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Intestinal obstruction, intussusception, paralytic ileus, volvulus, impaction of intestine
562Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Diverticulitis or diverticulosis of large or small intestine
564Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Spastic colon, irritable colon, mucous colitis, constipation
565Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Anal fissure, anal fistula
566Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Abscess of anal or rectal regions
567Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Peritonitis, with or without abscess
569Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Intestine and Peritoneum – Anal or rectal polyp, rectal prolapse, anal or rectal stricture, rectal bleeding, other disorders of intestine
571Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Cirrhosis of the liver (e.g., alcoholic cirrhosis, biliary cirrhosis)
573Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Other diseases of the liver
574Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Cholelithiasis (gall stones) with or without cholecystitis
575Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Cholecystitis, without gall stones
576Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Other diseases of gallbladder and biliary ducts
577Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Diseases of pancreas
579Diseases of the Digestive System – Other Diseases of Digestive System – Malabsorption syndrome, sprue, celiac disease
787Diseases of the Digestive System – Signs and Symptoms Not Yet Diagnosed: Anorexia, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, dysphagia, hiccough, hematemesis, jaundice, ascites, abdominal pain, melena, masses
580Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Acute glomerulonephritis
581Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Nephrotic Syndrome
584Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Acute renal failure
585Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Chronic renal failure, uremia
590Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Acute or chronic pyelonephritis, pyelitis, abscess
591Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Hydronephrosis
592Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Stone in kidney or ureter
593Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Other disorders of kidney or ureter
595Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Cystitis
597Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Non-specific urethritis (not sexually transmitted)
598Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Urethral stricture
599Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of the Urinary System – Other disorders of urinary tract
600Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Benign prostatic hypertrophy
601Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Prostatitis
603Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Hydrocele
604Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Orchitis, epididymitis
605Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Phimosis, paraphimosis
606Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Male infertility, oligospermia, azoospermia
608Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Seminal vesiculitis, spermatocele, torsion of cord or testis, undescended testicle, other disorders of male genital organs
609Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Male Genital Organs – Newborn circumcision
610Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Breast and Female Pelvic Organs – Cystic mastitis, chronic cystic disease, breast cyst, fibro -adenosis of breast
611Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Breast and Female Pelvic Organs – Breast abscess, gynecomastia, hypertrophy, otherdisorders of breast
614Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Breast and Female Pelvic Organs – Acute or chronic salpingitis or oophoritis or abscess, pelvic inflammatory disease
615Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Breast and Female Pelvic Organs – Acute or chronic endometritis
616Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Diseases of Breast and Female Pelvic Organs – Cervicitis, vaginitis, cyst or abscess of Bartholin’s gland, vulvitis
617Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Endometriosis
618Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Cystocele, rectocele, urethrocele, enterocele, uterine prolapse
621Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Retroversion of uterus, endometrial hyperplasia, other disorders of uteru
622Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Cervical erosion, cervical dysplasia
623Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Stricture or stenosis of vagina
625Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual tension, stress incontinence
626Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Disorders of menstruation
627Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Menopause, post-menopausal bleeding
628Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Infertility
629Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Other Disorders of Female Genital Tract – Other disorders of female genital organs
788Diseases of the Genito, Urinary System – Signs and Symptoms Not Yet Diagnosed – Renal colic, urinary retention, nocturia, masses
632Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Missed abortion
633Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Ectopic pregnancy
634Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Incomplete abortion, complete abortion
635Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Therapeutic abortion
640Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Threatened abortion, haemorrhage in early pregnancy
641Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Abruptio placentae, placenta praevia
642Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Pre -eclampsia, eclampsia, toxaemia
643Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Vomiting, hyperemesis gravidarum
644Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – False labour, threatened labour
645Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Prolonged pregnancy
646Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Other complications of pregnancy (e.g., vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, pyelitis, cystitis)
650Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Normal delivery, uncomplicated pregnancy
651Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Multiple pregnancy
652Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Unusual position of fetus, malpresentation
653Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
656Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Foetal distress
658Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Premature rupture of membrane
660Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Obstructed labour
661Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Uterine inertia
662Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Prolonged labour
664Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Perineal lacerations
666Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Post-Partum haemorrhage
667Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Retained placenta
667Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Delivery with other complications
675Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Post-Partum mastitis or nipple infection
677Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium – Post-Partum pulmonary
682Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Infections – Cellulitis, abscess
683Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Infections – Acute lymphadenitis
684Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Infections – Impetigo
685Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Infections – Pilonidal cyst or abscess
686Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Infections – Pyoderma, pyogenic granuloma, other local infections
690Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Inflammatory Conditions – Seborrheic dermatitis
692Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Inflammatory Conditions – Contact dermatitis
695Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Inflammatory Conditions – Erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum, acne, rosacea, lupus erythematosus, intertrigo
696Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Inflammatory Conditions – Psoriasis
698Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Inflammatory Conditions – Pruritus ani, other itchy conditions
700Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Corns, calluses
701Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Hyperkeratosis, scleroderma, keloid
703Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Ingrown nail, onychogryposis
704Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Alopecia
706Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Acne, acne vulgaris, sebaceous cyst
707Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Debcubitus ulcer, bed sore
708Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Allergic urticaria
709Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue – Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
710Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Desseminated lupus erythematosus, generalized scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymostitis
711Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Pyogenic arthritis
714Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Rheumatoid arthritis, Still’s disease
715Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Osteoarthritis
716Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Traumatic arthritis
718Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Joint derangement, recurrent dislocation, ankylosis, meniscus or cartilage tear, loose body in joint
720Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Ankylosing spondylitis
721Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Sero-negative Spondyloarthropathies
722Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Intervertebral disc disorders
724Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Lumbar strain, lumbago, coccydynia, sciatica
727Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Synovitis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, bunion, ganglion
728Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Dupuytren’s contracture
729Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Fibrositis, myositis, muscular rheumatism
730Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Osteomyelitis
731Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Osteitis deformans, Paget’s disease of bone
732Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Osteochondritis, Legg-Perthes disease, Osgood-Schlatter disease, osteochondritis dissecans
733Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Osteoporosis, spontaneous fracture, other disorders of bone and cartilage
734Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Flat foot, pes planus
735Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Hallux valgus, hallux varus, hammer toe
737Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis
739Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Other diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
781Diseases of Muscoloskeletal System and Connective Tissue – Signs and Symptoms Not Yet Diagnosed – Leg cramps, leg pain, muscle pain, joint pain, arthralgia, joint swelling, masses
741Congenital Anomalies – Spina bifida, with or without hydrocephalus, meningocele, meningomyelocele
742Congenital Anomalies – Hydrocephalus
743Congenital Anomalies – Congenital anomalies of eye
744Congenital Anomalies – ongenital anomalies of ear, face, and neck
745Congenital Anomalies – Transposition of great vessels, tetralogy of Fallot, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect
746Congenital Anomalies – Other congenital anomalies of heart
747Congenital Anomalies – Patent ductus arteriosus, coarctation of aorta, pulmonary artery stenosis, other anomalies of circulatory system
748Congenital Anomalies – Congenital anomalies of nose and respiratory system
749Congenital Anomalies – Cleft palate, cleft lip
750Congenital Anomalies – Other congenital anomalies of mouth esophagus, stomach and pylorus
751Congenital Anomalies – Digestive system
752Congenital Anomalies – Genital organs
753Congenital Anomalies – Urinary system
754Congenital Anomalies – Club foot
755Congenital Anomalies – Other congenital anomalies of limbs
756Congenital Anomalies – Other musculoskeletal anomalies
758Congenital Anomalies – Chromosomal anomalies (e.g., Down’s syndrome, other autosomal anomalies, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, other anomalies of sex chromosomes)
759Congenital Anomalies – Other congenital anomalies
762Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Compression of umbilical cord, prolapsed cord
763Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Due to complications of labour or delivery
765Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Prematurity, low-birthweight infant
766Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Postmaturity, high-birthweight infant
767Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Birth trauma
769Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Hyaline membrane disease, respiratory distress syndrome
773Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Hemolytic disease of newborn
777Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Perinatal disorders of digestive system
779Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality – Other conditions of fetus or newborn
790Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Non-specific findings on examination of blood
791Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Non-specific findings on examination of urine
795Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Chronic fatigue symdrome
796Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Other non-specific abnormal findings
797Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Senility, senescence
798Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Sudden death, cause unknown
799Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions – Non-specific Abnormal Findings – Other ill-defined conditions
803Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Skull
805Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Vertebral column (without spinal cord damage)
806Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Vertebral column – (with spinal cord damage)
807Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Ribs
808Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Pelvis
810Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Clavicle
812Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Humerus
813Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Radius and/or ulna
814Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Carp al bones
815Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Metacarpals
816Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Phalanges – foot or hand
821Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Femur
823Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Tibia and/or fibula
824Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Ankle
829Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Fractures and Fracture-dislocations – Facial bones – Other fractures
831Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Dislocations – Shoulder
832Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Dislocations – Elbow
834Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Dislocations – Finger
839Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Dislocations – Other dislocations
840Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Shoulder, upper arm
842Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Wrist, hand, fingers
844Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Knee, leg
845Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Ankle, foot, toes
847Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Neck, low back, coccyx
848Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Other sprains and strains
850Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Concussion
854Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Other head injuries
869Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Internal injuries to organ(s)
879Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Lacerations, open wounds – except limbs
884Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Lacerations, open wounds, traumatic amputations – upper limb(s)
894Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Lacerations, open wounds, traumatic amputations – lower limb(s)
918Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Automated Visual Field (AVF) test
919Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Abrasions, bruises, contusions and other superficial injury including non-venomous bites
930Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Foreign body in eye, or other tissues
949Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Burns (thermal or chemical)
959Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Sprains, Strains and Other Trauma – Other injuries or trauma
977Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Adverse Effects – Of drugs and medications – including allergy, overdose, reactions
989Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Adverse Effects – Of other chemicals (e.g., lead, pesticides, and venomous bites)
994Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Adverse Effects – Of physical factors (e.g., heat, cold, frostbite, pressure)
998Accidents, Poisonings and Violence – Adverse Effects – Of surgical and medical care (e.g., wound infection, wound disruption, other iatrogenic disease)
895Supplementary Classifications – Family Planning – Family planning, contraceptive advice, advice on sterilization or abortion
896Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – all types
960Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – Pentavalent (DPT POLIO/ACT HIB)
961Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – DPT Polio
962Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – DT
963Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
964Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – Hepatitis B
965Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – TD Polio
966Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – TD (Adults and aged 7 years and older)
967Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – Influenza
968Supplementary Classifications – Immunization – Pneumococcal
897Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Economic problems
898Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Marital difficulties
899Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Parent-child problems (e.g., child-abuse, battered child, child neglect)
900Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Problems with aged parents or in-laws
901Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Family disruption, divorce
902Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Educational problems
903Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Illegitimacy
904Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Social maladjustment
905Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Occupational problems, unemployment, difficulty at work
906Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Legal problems, litigation, imprisonment
909Supplementary Classifications – Social, Marital and Family Problems – Other problems of social adjustment
916Supplementary Classifications – Other – Well baby care
917Supplementary Classifications – Other – Annual health examination adolescent/adult Well Vision Care
893Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Osteotomy
894Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Excision Bunion
897Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Excision of Bone Partial
898Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Excision of Bone Complete (e.g., Patellectomy)
923Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Excision or Destruction of Intervertebral Disc Excision of Semilunar Cartilage of Knee
924Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Synovectomy
930Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Spinal Fusion
931Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Arthrodesis of Foot and Ankle
932Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Arthrodesis of Other Joints
933Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Arthroplasty of Foot and Toe
934Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Arthroplasty of Knee and Ankle (e.g., Hauser Repair)
935Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Total Hip Replacement
936Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Other Arthroplasty of Hip
940Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Incision of Muscle, Tendon, Fascia, and Bursa of Hand
941Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Division of Muscle, Tendon, and Fascia of Hand
944Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Suture of Muscle, Tendon, and Fascia of Hand
945Physiotherapy – Operations on the Musculoskeletal System – Transplantation of Muscle and Tendon of Hand
72Physiotherapy – Other Acceptable Diagnosis – Gait Training or CrutchWalking Instruction (acceptable for a 1 visit treatment only)
70Physiotherapy – Other Acceptable Diagnosis – Perceptual Motor Testing or Perceptual Motor Assessment of Dysfunction
970Physiotherapy – Other Acceptable Diagnosis – Prenatal Care
971Physiotherapy – Other Acceptable Diagnosis – Post-Partum Observation
7159Common Diagnostic Codes – Arthritis – Osteo-degenerative
7210Common Diagnostic Codes – Arthritis – Cervical
7120Common Diagnostic Codes – Arthritis – Gouty
7149Common Diagnostic Codes – Arthritis – Rheumatic
7150Common Diagnostic Codes – Arthritis – Non-specified Chronic
3510Common Diagnostic Codes – Bells Palsy
7310Common Diagnostic Codes – Bursitis
7267Common Diagnostic Codes – Calcaneal – Spur
7269Common Diagnostic Codes – Calcaneal – Bone
7278Common Diagnostic Codes – Calcium – Bursa
7198Common Diagnostic Codes – Calcium – Joint
7260Common Diagnostic Codes – Capsulitis
7224Common Diagnostic Codes – Cervical Disc Disease
8470Common Diagnostic Codes – Cervical Strain
5199Common Diagnostic Codes – Chest Disease
7177Common Diagnostic Codes – Chondromalacia
7220Common Diagnostic Codes – Compression Fracture – Cervical
9241Common Diagnostic Codes – Contusion Knee
8310Common Diagnostic Codes – Dislocated Shoulder
7263Common Diagnostic Codes – Epicondylitis
7290Common Diagnostic Codes – Fibrositis
7260Common Diagnostic Codes – Frozen Shoulder
8248Common Diagnostic Codes – Fracture – Ankle (closed)
8122Common Diagnostic Codes – Fracture – Humerus (unspecified)
8122Common Diagnostic Codes – Fracture – Leg
8058Common Diagnostic Codes – Fracture – Vertebra
8140Common Diagnostic Codes – Fracture – Wrist
2740Common Diagnostic Codes – Gout
8409Common Diagnostic Codes – Hamstring – Tendon
7840Common Diagnostic Codes – Headache
9593Common Diagnostic Codes – Injury – Elbow
9592Common Diagnostic Codes – Injury – Shoulder
7371Common Diagnostic Codes – Kyphosis (acquired)
7242Common Diagnostic Codes – Lumbago
7251Common Diagnostic Codes – Lumbar Disc Disease (degenerative)
8472Common Diagnostic Codes – Lumbar Strain
4579Common Diagnostic Codes – Lymphedema
7288Common Diagnostic Codes – Muscle Spasm
8489Common Diagnostic Codes – Muscle Strain
7291Common Diagnostic Codes – Myositis Plain and Trauma
7292Common Diagnostic Codes – Neuralgia (unspecified)
7310Common Diagnostic Codes – Pagets Disease
7295Common Diagnostic Codes – Pain – Arch
7245Common Diagnostic Codes – Pain – Back (posterial)
7242Common Diagnostic Codes – Pain – Back (low)
7231Common Diagnostic Codes – Pain – Neck
7287Common Diagnostic Codes – Plantar Fascitis
6142Common Diagnostic Codes – Pelvis Inflammatory Disease/Salpingitis
4439Common Diagnostic Codes – PVD
7290Common Diagnostic Codes – Rheumatism (muscle)
8439Common Diagnostic Codes – Sacro-iliac Strain – Hip
7379Common Diagnostic Codes – Scoliosis (unspecified)
7561Common Diagnostic Codes – Spondylolisthese
8450Common Diagnostic Codes – Strained – Ankle
8419Common Diagnostic Codes – Strained – Elbow
8439Common Diagnostic Codes – Strained – Hip
8421Common Diagnostic Codes – Strained – Metacarpal
8409Common Diagnostic Codes – Strained – Shoulder
8449Common Diagnostic Codes – Shin Splints
7235Common Diagnostic Codes – Stiff Neck
7270Common Diagnostic Codes – Synovitis
8481Common Diagnostic Codes – Temporomandibular Strain/Sprain
7269Common Diagnostic Codes – Tendinitis
7263Common Diagnostic Codes – Tennis Elbow
8471Common Diagnostic Codes – Thoracic Strain
8404Common Diagnostic Codes – Torn Rotator Cuff
8470Common Diagnostic Codes – Torticollis
8408Common Diagnostic Codes – Trapezius Sprain
8470Common Diagnostic Codes – Whiplash Injury


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